Custard Apple. Health Benefits and facts

Custard Apple is full of Vitamin C (although generally not soar in taste) which being an anti-oxidant neutralizes free radicals in body, whereas Vitamin A is beneficial for skin and dental health.

It has a calorie count of about 76 to 96 per 100 gm. It also has small quantity of magnesium and potassium. It also has fair amount of copper which can increase the hemoglobin count in the body. It is also beneficial in conditions like vertigo and vomiting.

It is grown in various part of Asia and is sweet in taste. The taste is similar to custard which is why it is called custard apple. The fruit is very soft and fragile and needs good care while transporting. The shape of fruit is generally round with a diameter of about 8 to 16 cms.

It also has dietary fibers which help in digesting food. The seed of the fruit has insecticidal properties. The scientific name of the fruit is Annona squamosa. It is also called sugar apple, bullock’s heart or chirimoya or cherimoya. It’s tree normally reaches 33 feet and is grown under humid warm and climate. The fruit is yellowish brow when ripe. When it is tender and soft on squeezing, it is ready to eat.

It is used in making shakes, smoothies and even ice creams. 

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