Health Benefits of Ambarella (Spondias dulcis)

·         The Scientific name of Ambarella is Spondias dulcis.
·         Ambarella is also known as Malay Apple or Golden Apple.
·         Ambarella is called caja-manga in brazil, whereas it is called juplon in Costa Rica
·         Ambarella is called jobo indio in Venezuela.
·         The average height of Ambarella Tree is about 9 to 12 meters.
·         The fruit color is green while unripe and it becomes yellowinsh green as fruit begins to ripe.
·         The fruit is cultivated in Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Dominican republic
·         The fruit is generally eaten Raw.
·         The fruit is sour in taste and is crunchy.
·         Ambarella is also used as juice.
·         In Singapore, Ambarella juice is called balonglong juice, whereas in Malaysia it is called umbra juice.
·         It is also used in making jams and salads.
·         Ambarella is called Goldpflaume in German.
·         Ambarella is called Prune Cythère, pomme Cythère in French.

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